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UK PM Announces £300 Million Grant Fund for the Caribbean

By: , September 30, 2015

The Key Point:

Jamaica and the rest of the Caribbean are to benefit from a £300 million grant fund from the United Kingdom (UK).
UK PM Announces £300 Million Grant Fund for the Caribbean
Photo: Dave Reid
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (standing), observes as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK), the Rt. Hon. David Cameron signs the guest book at the Office of the Prime Minister, in Kingston, today (September 29), prior to holding bilateral discussions. Mr. Cameron, who arrived today, is on a two-day official visit.

The Facts

  • The announcement was made by UK’s Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. David Cameron, following bilateral talks with Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller at Jamaica House on Tuesday (Sept. 29).
  • Prime Minister Simpson Miller welcomed the support, which she said, will further strengthen relations between the countries.

The Full Story

Jamaica and the rest of the Caribbean are to benefit from a £300 million grant fund from the United Kingdom (UK).

The announcement was made by UK’s Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. David Cameron, following bilateral talks with Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller at Jamaica House on Tuesday (Sept. 29).

The talks came just hours after he arrived in the island for a one-day official visit.

Mr. Cameron said the funds will provide for infrastructure projects across the region in order to enhance trade.

“This money could help to unleash trade across the region with new roads, new bridges, and new ports to help speed freight movements,” he said.

Coming of the discussions between the two Prime Ministers, an agreement was reached to build a new correctional facility in Jamaica, as part of measures to improve the country’s criminal justice system.

“This, I believe, is in the interest of both of us and is a good example of how we can work together to benefit people here in Jamaica,” he stated.

Mr. Cameron also announced that over the next five years, the UK will be spending US $9 billion on climate financing, and “I am determined to ensure some of that money is spent here, helping your country to adapt to this challenge.”

“We have spent more than £60 million here in the Caribbean over the last five years to help the countries deal with the effects of climate change but frankly, I think we can do much more,” he said.

Prime Minister Simpson Miller welcomed the support, which she said, will further strengthen relations between the countries.

She noted that the UK remains one of Jamaica’s leading trading partners, and an “active tourism market for us, and a source of foreign direct investment.”

Mrs. Simpson Miller reported that she had raised the issue of reparation with Mr. Cameron, “indicating that Jamaica is involved in a process under the auspices of the Caribbean Community, to engage the UK, on the matter.”

“We look forward to programme and policy action on the part of both our Governments in the areas discussed,” she said.

Last Updated: September 30, 2015

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