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UK Pastors to Exhale in Jamaica

March 24, 2010

The Full Story

Church leaders and pastors from the United Kingdom (UK) are expected to converge in Jamaica this September for a church retreat dubbed: ‘Exhale 2010’.
The retreat, which is slated for the Half Moon Resort in Montego Bay, has the support of the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB). It is being organised by a number of UK pastors in conjunction with the London-based Premier Christian Radio.
Speaking at the launch on Tuesday (March 23) at the Jamaican High Commission in London, Senior Pastor of the New Testament Assembly, Delroy Powell, who is the retreat facilitator, informed that the event will allow time for pastors and church leaders to take a break and rejuvenate to more effectively carry out their mission.
“As church leaders, we don’t give ourselves permission to take our hands off the control and to take time for rejuvenation and refuelling. This is an opportunity for leaders to be refreshed physically, emotionally and spiritually,” said the Jamaican-born pastor.

Acting Jamaican High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Joan Thomas Edwards, talks to Chief Executive of Premier Christian Radio, Peter Kerridge, at the launch of Exhale 2010 on Tuesday (March 23) at the Jamaican High Commission in London. Exhale 2010 is an international retreat for UK-based pastors, which will take place at the Half Moon Resort this September. Premier Christian Radio is one of the organisers of the event, which is endorsed by the Jamaica Tourist Board.

“I am convinced that God has called us to life-long ministry. In order for us to fulfil that call, we need to ensure that our bodies are prepared and conditioned for the long haul. We need to take time to repair ourselves to ensure that were are not just spiritually and intellectually sharp, but that our bodies are rested, and well nourished to ensure that we can fulfil the mandate of God for our lives,” he added.
JTB European Regional Manager, Liz Fox, in welcoming the staging of the event in the island, informed that Jamaica is seeing growth in faith-based tourist arrivals.
She said the country offers real opportunities in this sector, pointing to the strong multi-denominational network of churches across the island, as well as the meeting and conferencing facilities that are also available.
Acting High Commissioner to the UK, Joan Thomas Edwards, commended the church leaders and Premier Christian Radio for their foresight in staging the event in Jamaica, which she said, is a spiritual home for many people.
“I must commend Premier for promoting Jamaica in this way. The Government of Jamaica has been promoting our island as more than just sun and sea. Jamaica is an ideal place for such a retreat as it is an island that can offer so much solace. It is also the spiritual home to so many people as well,” Mrs. Thomas Edwards said.
Chief Executive Officer of Premier Christian Radio, Peter Kerridge, in his remarks, stated that Exhale 2010 is one of the station’s best undertakings. The staging of the event, he stated, speaks to the radio station’s strong links with the UK Caribbean community.

Last Updated: August 19, 2013

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