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Transport Authority Holds Consultations in Port Maria

July 1, 2009

The Full Story

The importance of the proper functioning of the Public Passenger Transportation System, nationally, was extensively discussed at a parish consultation sponsored by the Transport Authority, at the Port Maria Civic Centre in St. Mary on Thursday, June 24.
The meeting was attended by a wide cross section of persons, including public transport operators in the parish, officers of the Transport Authority and the public. It presented the opportunity for stakeholders in St. Mary to voice concerns about public transport operations in the parish.
Among the matters discussed at the meeting were the roles, responsibilities and objectives of the Transport Authority, the regulating and monitoring of public passenger vehicles, and the concerns of the Operations Department of the Transport Authority.
Addressing the meeting, General Manager of Operations at the Transport Authority, Cecil Morgan, pointed out that the Authority has responsibility for regulating and monitoring public passenger transportation, nationally.
He noted that the objectives of the Transport Authority were to: establish order in the public transport sector; foster public awareness of the roles, duties and responsibilities of the users of the system; protect the investments of legitimate operators; impartially enforce all laws, regulations and agreement relating to public land transport; and provide close and effective monitoring of the public transportation system.
He said that inspectors are appointed to monitor and regulate the standard of driving and conducting. They also have the responsibility to inspect any public passenger vehicle to ensure compliance with the terms of the road licence.
He declared that the concerns of the Transport Authority include general indiscipline in the sector, the increasing number of illegal operators and persons operating contrary to their road licenses, poor driving habits, the attire of drivers and conductors on vehicles and music, tints and markings on vehicles, Mr. Morgan said an inspector is vested with the power to prosecute any person for contravention of a relevant road traffic enactment, and to serve on any person any process or document relating to such prosecution.
Also addressing the meeting was His Worship the Mayor of Port Maria, Councillor Richard Creary, who told the audience of plans by the St. Mary Parish Council to place the transport centre in Port Maria under Government control, and make it a proper parking facility for public passenger vehicles in the town.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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