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Tourism Emergency Operations Centre Activated to Inform Tourism Interests

By: , October 2, 2016

The Key Point:

With Hurricane Matthew – now a Category 4 system – heading towards Jamaica, the Ministry of Tourism has activated its Tourism Emergency Operations Centre (TEOC), which is currently coordinating emergency services for the local tourism sector.
Tourism Emergency Operations Centre Activated to Inform Tourism Interests

The Facts

  • Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, underscored that
  • The TEOC is also set up to analyze and evaluate all data pertaining to emergency operations within the tourism sector, as well as to update local and international media.

The Full Story

With Hurricane Matthew – now a Category 4 system – heading towards Jamaica, the Ministry of Tourism has activated its Tourism Emergency Operations Centre (TEOC), which is currently coordinating emergency services for the local tourism sector.

Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, underscored that “we have decided to activate the centre at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston.

It is the official source of information for the tourism sector, keeping it up-to-date on the situation regarding the hurricane.

This includes disseminating warnings and bulletins from the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC).”

The TEOC is also set up to analyze and evaluate all data pertaining to emergency operations within the tourism sector, as well as to update local and international media.  

Minister Bartlett again urged all tourism partners and Jamaicans overall to exercise caution and take all the necessary steps to remain safe during the passage of the hurricane.

“As our nation braces for the impact of hurricane Matthew everyone needs to heed the hurricane warnings which the relevant authorities have issued as this is a powerful system which should never be underestimated. While we hope for the best we must ensure that we are prepared for any eventuality,” stressed Minister Bartlett.

Persons wishing to contact the TEOC may do so at the following numbers:

Last Updated: October 3, 2016

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