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Students at UWI to Benefit from 5k Run

By: , October 4, 2017

The Key Point:

Forty students pursuing studies at the University of the West Indies (UWI) will this year benefit from the proceeds of two runs to be hosted by the institution in November.
Students at UWI to Benefit from 5k Run
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Events and Sponsorship Manager, National Baking Company, Lisa Tomlison (left) and Chief Operating Officer, CB Group, Matthew Lyn, present a cheque valued at $1 million, which will go towards scholarships for 40 students of the University of West Indies (UWI) who are having financial challenges. Also participating in the presentation (from right, forefront) are Pro-Vice Chancellor, Global Affairs, UWI, Hon. Dr. Richard Bernal. In the background are some of the students to benefit from the scholarships. Occasion was the official launch of the CB Group UWI 5K and Smart Eggs Kids K at the UWI’s Regional Headquarters in Kingston on Tuesday (October 3).

The Facts

  • The events are the CB Group UWI 5K and Smart Eggs Kids K, which are scheduled to take place on and around the grounds of the university on Sunday (November 12), starting at 7:00 a.m.
  • All proceeds from the CB Group UWI 5K go directly towards the UWI Scholarship Fund for the development of sports and the education of the most talented and in-need students.

The Full Story

Forty students pursuing studies at the University of the West Indies (UWI) will this year benefit from the proceeds of two runs to be hosted by the institution in November.

The events are the CB Group UWI 5K and Smart Eggs Kids K, which are scheduled to take place on and around the grounds of the university on Sunday (November 12), starting at 7:00 a.m.

The events were officially launched during a ceremony at the UWI’s Regional Headquarters in Kingston on Tuesday (October 3).

Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, fully endorsed the events, which he said would enable bright and talented tertiary students facing financial difficulties to complete their studies.

In his remarks read by the Education Ministry’s Community Relations Officer, Region 1, Andrew Francis, Senator Reid further commended the CB Group for “this important corporate social outreach”, the UWI community, as well as co-patrons, Dr. the Hon. Douglas Orane and Donnette Chin-Loy Chang for their support.

“You are making a high-quality education possible for many students. Thank you for your dedication and generosity. This is another example of the excellent partnership developed over the years to develop the pool of educated Jamaicans,” he said.

In the meantime, the Minister encouraged the general public to support the cause by registering and participating in this year’s event.

Registration is now open at www.runningeventsja.com or at the Sports Department at UWI. The entry fee is $1,200 for adults and $600 for students. Groups of 30 will receive a discounted fee of $1,000 and $500 respectively.

The 5K event will include the participation of the disabled community, competing in wheelchairs. The Kids K, which will takes place on the grounds of the university, will be open to students aged four to 11.

Since its inception in 2012, the event has raised $70 million to underwrite the cost of study for more than 200 academically outstanding students in dire financial need.

All proceeds from the CB Group UWI 5K go directly towards the UWI Scholarship Fund for the development of sports and the education of the most talented and in-need students.

During the event, several sponsors presented cheques totalling $4.45 million. Title sponsor, the CB Group, presented a $3.2-million cheque; National Baking Company, $1 million; and Mayberry Investments, $250,000.

Last Updated: October 4, 2017

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