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Students Challenged to Focus on Career

June 5, 2009

The Full Story

Students have been challenged to focus their minds on a career path, as when this is done, there is no power so great that can destroy their dreams.
The charge was given by Manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Junction branch, in St. Elizabeth, Claudia Sanderson, as she addressed Career Day, which was staged at the BB Coke High School, in the parish, on June 2.
“You control your own destiny, and you alone can destroy your dreams. Poverty, peer pressure, parent pressure – none of these can destroy your dreams,” Mrs. Sanderson told the hundreds of students gathered at the event, which featured booths of business entities, financial, educational and skills training institutions.
She pointed out that Career Day is one of many vehicles that the school uses to help students to put their plans into perspective. She urged them to listen to the various experiences told to them by persons who have excelled in their chosen professions, and use them to help achieve their own goals.
“Don’t be pressured into believing you must be a banker or a lawyer, or a doctor. Be the best that you can be in whatever field you choose, and make sure that you are positively contributing to community and nation building,” she emphasised.
She further encouraged the students to use their minds, noting that whatever idea they conceive, they can achieve, and become successful as others in their communities have done.
“Dream big, stay in school and focus on your purpose – learning. Leave out the drugs and alcohol. Go home, stay off the plazas. There will be time later on in life to ‘bling’, if you have to. The careers that interest you, try to learn as much as possible about them, equip yourself with the necessary skills. Today is your day, listen, learn and dream big,” she said.
Meanwhile, fourth form student, Chantal Smalling, informed that the day was informative. “We learnt about money management, social skills, and it was the type of session that can help us to choose and work toward career development,” she said.
Another fourth former, Shaneke Lawrence, said the information gathered at the booths would serve to motivate students to learn about the institutions in and around their communities.
“Career Day should continue, it is an excellent medium to impart knowledge of what Jamaica and the world have to offer,” she said.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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