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Stakeholders Urged to Review Revised Energy Policy Green Paper

May 1, 2009

The Full Story

The Ministry of Energy and Mining is urging Jamaicans, especially industry stakeholders to review the final draft of the government’s revised Energy Policy (Green Paper) as part of its thrust to engage the public in meaningful dialogue about the different facets of the energy sector.
The Ministry’s Green Paper outlines the government’s programmes and plan of action to effectively manage and further develop Jamaica’s energy sector. It aims, among other things, to ensure stable and adequate energy supplies at the least economic cost, reduce Jamaica’s dependence on oil through the development of renewable energy sources and technologies, as well as bio-fuels and minimize the adverse environmental effects and pollution caused by the production, storage, transport and use of energy.
The amended version of the Energy Green Paper showing track changes is mounted on the Ministry’s website www.men.gov.jm. There will be a window of two weeks in which persons are expected to comment on the document. Comments can be forwarded to Yvonne Barrett-Edwards (yedwards@mct.gov.jm), Director of Energy Economics – at the Ministry of Energy and Mining and should be sent no later than Friday, May 15, 2009.
Since January 2008, the Ministry has held a number of consultative meetings at the community and focused group levels.
During the week of May 4, 2009 the Ministry will host a number of stakeholders for a final consultation to discuss the amended version of the document. The finalized document will be presented to Parliament for debate and final approval. At that stage the Green Paper will become a White Paper.

Last Updated: August 27, 2013

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