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Security Minister Opens New Dormitories at Harman Barracks

By: , February 25, 2018

The Key Point:

National Security Minister, Hon. Robert Montague, on Thursday (February 22), cut the ribbon to officially open new dormitories at Harman Barracks in St Andrew.

The Facts

  • “Although I know it is in use, it is not a humdred per cent complete. It is the Ministry’s responsibility, and I am told that within another week, or so, it shall be ready. So, I am giving assurance that by the time the graduation comes around for this current batch, the building should be finished and handed over,” he said.
  • It will go a far way in ensuring that they are more comfortable and will provide for better productivity. I am encouraging our members to take care of it. It is one thing to get additional resources, it’s another thing to maintain them and to ensure that we get the best value,” Mr. Blake said.

The Full Story

National Security Minister, Hon. Robert Montague, on Thursday (February 22), cut the ribbon to officially open new dormitories at Harman Barracks in St Andrew.

This is part of measures to bring the training capacity at Harman Barracks up to 250 persons per intake, with enough classrooms to accommodate the police recruits.

The upgrade of the facilities is part of a wider programme, which is being undertaken at a cost of $68 million. It consists of seven dormitories, with four at Harman Barracks and three at the Jamaica Police Academy, Twickenham Park, St. Catherine.

In his address, Mr. Montague noted that the work is not yet finished at Harman Barracks, as the multipurpose building is yet to be completed and handed over.

“Although I know it is in use, it is not a humdred per cent complete. It is the Ministry’s responsibility, and I am told that within another week, or so, it shall be ready. So, I am giving assurance that by the time the graduation comes around for this current batch, the building should be finished and handed over,” he said.

The Minister pointed out that the facility can be used as an auditorium, a training centre or for additional classrooms.

“This is in furtherance of the Ministry’s programme to employ an additional 3,000 officers. By increasing the capacity at that Harman Barracks training wing to 250 trainees, we will be able to do 500 per year,” Mr. Montague said.

For his part, Acting Commissioner of Police, Clifford Blake, expressed appreciation to the Ministry for the provision of the resources.

It will go a far way in ensuring that they are more comfortable and will provide for better productivity. I am encouraging our members to take care of it. It is one thing to get additional resources, it’s another thing to maintain them and to ensure that we get the best value,” Mr. Blake said.

Last Updated: February 25, 2018

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