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Rev. Thwaites Stresses Importance of Good Parenting

December 6, 2012

The Full Story

Minister of Education, Rev. the Hon. Ronald Thwaites, has underscored the importance of good parenting in instilling children with the critical values and attitudes.

He added that proper parenting is vital in “everything else that we try to do as a people”

“We are not going to have any success no matter how much we invest in education, we are not going to reap the required dividends in all the other investments of hard capital in Jamaica, unless we have people, young people, as they grow up, who are cognitively adept, who are socially responsible and who are spiritually aware, and parenting has a tremendous and crucial indispensable role in this regard,” he stated.

Minister Thwaites was speaking yesterday (December 4) at the launch of the book: ‘Answers to Questions Parents Ask’ at the Family Life Ministries head office on Cecelio Avenue in Kingston.

The Education Minister said that good parenting does not necessarily mean that parents are able to afford all their children’s desires but that they try their “utmost best”, while prioritising, in ensuring that their needs are filled.

Endorsing the book, Rev. Thwaites said it establishes best practices in parenting.

“I wonder if we can use this valuable piece of work…as a primer for a new dispensation of parenthood in Jamaica. I am wondering now that we have a piece of legislation establishing a Parenting Commission…if we can use this in a way that as we set up the Parent Places, this can become some of the prime material that is used, so that parents can have some measure of information as to best practises…and be schooled in the appropriate responses to each other and to children,” he stated.

The book, written by Dr. Faith Linton and Dr. Barry Davidson, deals with issues such as first time parenting, nutrition, emotional intelligence, sexuality, adolescence, the pre-teen years, speech and language, growth of intelligence, relationship and firmness and how to bless your child.

The book’s advice is based on international best practice, the author’s research and experience and factors in the Jamaican cultural and social contexts.

Minister Thwaites encouraged early childhood teachers to “use this kind of material and the useful questions and answers that follow each chapter in order that they may use the early childhood system not only for the precept of little children but also for the re-socialization of many who are parents."

The book targets individuals involved in child rearing: first time parents or more experienced parents, single parents or co-parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles or friends.

In addition, the book qualifies as required reading for professionals in training, who seek degrees or certificates in child or family care and in other medical, educational, academic and counselling fields.

Last Updated: July 25, 2013

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