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Retired Police Officers to Continue Role in Nation Building

March 11, 2009

The Full Story

Forty one retired senior police officers who were today (March 11) feted at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, are being urged to find ways to contribute to nation-building.
The suggestion came from both National Security Minister, Colonel Trevor MacMillan, and former Prime Minister P.J. Patterson.
Colonel MacMillan referred to what he described as the complex social conditions that made the tasks of the retired policemen and women more challenging, over the past four decades.
The National Security Minister also acknowledged what he characterized as the less than ideal working conditions under which their service had been rendered.
“On the other hand, you would have experienced immense satisfaction from knowing that you have contributed to the safety and stability of your country,” Colonel MacMillan told the former police officers.
The National Security Minister said while many have not been accorded national honours, the Government and people of Jamaica were deeply appreciative of their sterling service.
Declaring that age is just a number, the National Security Minister urged the 41 men and women to give serious thought to how they could continue to contribute to national life.
He also encouraged them to spend quality time with family and ensure that they are not robbed of a quality life in the process.
In supporting the National Security Minister, former Prime Minister Patterson said the country has invested heavily in their expertise and could not afford to discard it at this stage of its development.
The former Prime Minister cited some areas of national life that the retired policemen and women could apply their expertise.
He listed some areas which require specialist skills including cyber crime and consultancy services, in a variety of areas.
Mr. Patterson said retired officers who are equipped with skills need, not be confined to Jamaica as there are organizations within the CARICOM Single Market and Economy who could use their services.
The former Prime Minister also cited parastatal organizations, such as the Electoral Commission of Jamaica, the Civil Service, the Office of the Political Ombudsman, the entertainment industry among others.
He called on them to get engaged in community leadership and sports. Of the 41 senior cops who retired over the past two years, four are women.
They are Deputy Superintendents Dorret Barrett Latchman and Ena Harris, Senior Superintendent Jasmine Tomlinson Brown and Superintendent Vida Walker Morant.
Seven of the 41 retirees have served more than 40 years each in the Jamaica Constabulary Force. In totality, the 41 retired police men and women gave approximately 1,600 years to the people of Jamaica.

Last Updated: August 28, 2013

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