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Praedial Larceny Prevention Unit Stages Essay Competition

By: , March 24, 2016

The Key Point:

The Praedial Larceny Prevention Unit (PLPU) in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, is inviting students to participate in its inaugural essay competition.

The Facts

  • Praedial Larceny Prevention Coordinator, Trudy-Ann Edwards, said the competition forms part of the PLPU’s public education campaign to sensitise Jamaicans to the devastating impact of praedial larceny on the agricultural sector and the livelihood of farmers.
  • Deadline for submission is Friday, April 29. For further information persons may visit the Ministry’s website or call 927-1731, ext. 2228.

The Full Story

The Praedial Larceny Prevention Unit (PLPU) in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, is inviting students to participate in its inaugural essay competition.
Primary school students, ages nine to 12 years, and secondary level students, between 13 and 18 years old, are invited to enter. It is also open to members of the Jamaica 4-H Clubs.

Praedial Larceny Prevention Coordinator, Trudy-Ann Edwards, said the competition forms part of the PLPU’s public education campaign to sensitise Jamaicans to the devastating impact of praedial larceny on the agricultural sector and the livelihood of farmers.

She noted that the sector loses between $5 and $6 billion annually due to the high incidence of farm theft.

Students at the primary level are required to write an essay of no more than 500 words on the topic:  How does Praedial Larceny affect the farmers in your community? while secondary level students are required to submit a 1,500-word essay in response to the question: What are the socio-economic impacts of Praedial Larceny on the Jamaican agricultural sector?

Miss Edwards said the essay must be an original work written in standard English, and applicants are asked to submit the essay along with a completed application form and passport-size photograph.

The application forms can be downloaded from the Ministry’s website at www.moa.gov.jm.

Essays must be submitted via email at plpu@moa.gov.jm or mailed to: Trudy-Ann Edwards, Praedial Larceny Prevention Coordinator, Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Hope Gardens, Kingston.

Deadline for submission is Friday, April 29.  For further information persons may visit the Ministry’s website or call 927-1731, ext. 2228.

Last Updated: March 29, 2016

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