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PM Reinforces Support For Sporting Talent

By: , January 23, 2016

The Key Point:

Support for sporting talent, both at the school and community levels, has been reinforced by Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller.
PM Reinforces Support For Sporting Talent
Photo: Mark Bell
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (centre), hugs Student Council President, Rajay Maragh (right), following the opening of the new synthetic track at the Red Hills Road-based Calabar High School, in Kingston, on January 22. Looking on is Chairman of the school Board, Rev. Karl Johnson (left).

The Facts

  • Mrs. Simpson Miller, addressing the opening of the Calabar High School synthetic sports track on Friday (January 22), informed that the Government has invested over $1.5 billion on sports infrastructure over the last three years.
  • Minister with Responsibility for Sports in the Office of the Prime Minister, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley, said the new track will ensure that the country’s sprinting success in track and field across the world will continue for a long time to come.

The Full Story

Support for sporting talent, both at the school and community levels, has been reinforced by Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller.

She indicated that this has been evidenced through the establishment of a High School Sports Infrastructure Improvement Programme  two years ago.

It was set up in partnership with the Sports Development Foundation (SDF) and the Sugar Transformation Project, to improve facilities, including playfield courts, bathrooms and changing facilities in 24 high schools across the island.

Mrs. Simpson Miller, addressing the opening of the Calabar High School synthetic sports track on Friday (January 22), informed that the Government has invested over $1.5 billion on sports infrastructure over the last three years.

“The Government of Jamaica, through the Sports Development Foundation and the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) contributed $30 million towards the purchase and installation of the new track,” she said.

The track, reportedly the first of its kind for a high school in Jamaica and the Caribbean, is expected to be put to the test at the inaugural staging of the McKenley/ Wint Track and Field Classic on January 23.

Drawing on research, Mrs. Simpson Miller indicated that there is evidence to suggest that the use of synthetic tracks reduce the risk of injury to young athletes, which is important to their health and safety.

She noted that this track represents an important investment in the athletes as future stars.

Meanwhile, Former Prime Minister, the Most Hon. P.J. Patterson and distinguished Calabar Old Boy, said the track is a welcomed addition to sports at the Red Hills Road-based institution.

“It should push our boys to higher levels of excellence in their performance. I hope other schools get to follow in this step, because it means that the competition will get better and that will be to the enhancement of performance of athletes in Jamaica,” he said.

For her part, Minister with Responsibility for Sports in the Office of the Prime Minister, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley, said  the new track will ensure that the country’s  sprinting success in track and field across the world will continue for a long time to come.

Last Updated: January 23, 2016

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