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PM Observes Hurricane Preparations in Montego Bay

By: , October 2, 2016

The Key Point:

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, yesterday (October 1) toured sections of Montego Bay, St. James to get a firsthand look of preparations ahead of the expected arrival of Hurricane Matthew.
PM Observes Hurricane Preparations in Montego Bay
Photo: Glenis Rose
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (centre), points out something of interest during a tour of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) St. James headquarters in Montego Bay on Saturday, October 1. Accompanying the Prime Minister (from left) are: Minister Without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang (left); Chief of Defence Staff, Jamaica Defence Force (JDF), Major General Antony Anderson; and Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, Audrey Sewell. The Prime Minister toured Montego Bay to observe preparations ahead of the expected arrival of Hurricane Matthew.

The Facts

  • During the tour of the gully works, he urged the NWA to ensure that the systems are able to handle the expected high level of rainfall from the Category Four system.
  • While at the JDF headquarters, the Prime Minister commended the soldiers for their service, noting that their role is even more important as the country faces this major hurricane.

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, yesterday (October 1) toured sections of Montego Bay, St. James to get a firsthand look of preparations ahead of the expected arrival of Hurricane Matthew.

He was accompanied by Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, Audrey Sewell; Minister Without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Water, Works and Housing, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang; and Chief of Defence Staff,  Jamaica Defence Force (JDF), Major General Antony Anderson.

He observed work being undertaken by the National Works Agency (NWA) to clear the South and North gullies and visited the parish’s hurricane command centre at the St. James Parish Council.

The Prime Minister also toured the JDF’s St. James headquarters, where he inspected sections of the facilities and addressed the soldiers.

During the tour of the gully works, he urged the NWA to ensure that the systems are able to handle the expected high level of rainfall from the Category Four system.

At the hurricane command centre, the Prime Minister was updated on the readiness of the parish’s 70 hurricane emergency centres, which will be activated as of Sunday (October 2).

While at the JDF headquarters, the Prime Minister commended the soldiers for their service, noting that their role is even more important as the country faces this major hurricane.

“I know you will always carry out your duties with respect and honour for the dignity for the Jamaican people. Your job is to preserve their lives, keep the communities safe and to protect properties. It is a difficult job. You will be away from your families, but such is your service to the country. I am certain that all Jamaica is grateful for what you have done and I know that you will make us proud,” Mr. Holness said.


He noted that the work of the soldiers will ensure that the hurricane does not provide an opportunity for criminals to carry out their illicit acts.

Last Updated: October 2, 2016

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