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PM Hands Over Housing Solutions in Hellshire

By: , February 13, 2015

The Key Point:

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller today (Feb. 13) presented 60 proud homeowners with keys and possession letters to their brand new homes in the Sandhills Vista housing development in Hellshire, St. Catherine.
PM Hands Over Housing Solutions in Hellshire
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (left), presents keys to proud homeowners, Kenneth and Carol Dacosta, who are among beneficiaries of the National Housing Trust’s (NHT) Sandhill Vista housing development in Hellshire, St. Catherine. Some 60 solutions were handed over to beneficiaries today February 13).

The Facts

  • They represent the first batch of some 226 families, who will benefit from new housing solutions constructed at a cost of $1.8 billion, under the National Housing Trust (NHT) development project.
  • The 40 acre development, which was completed in December 2014, consists of 130 two-bedroom units, 50 three bedroom units and 46 serviced lots. It also comes complete with a community centre, multi-purpose court, football field, and an equipped children play area.

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller today (Feb. 13) presented 60 proud homeowners with keys and possession letters to their brand new homes in the Sandhills Vista housing development in Hellshire, St. Catherine.

They represent the first batch of some 226 families, who will benefit from new housing solutions constructed at a cost of $1.8 billion, under the National Housing Trust (NHT) development project.

The 40 acre development, which was completed in December 2014, consists of 130 two-bedroom units, 50 three bedroom units and 46 serviced lots. It also comes complete with a community centre, multi-purpose court, football field, and an equipped children play area.

Mrs. Simpson Miller said the solutions are part of the overall record of housing delivery of which her administration can be proud.

“Our approach to the provision of housing recognises that shelter is a fundamental right of the people. The ownership of a home and land is vital to wellbeing and wealth creation and lifts families out of poverty,” she said.

Mrs. Simpson Miller said the Government has made housing an integral part of its mandate, as it seeks to empower all citizens.

“The Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing, the Housing Agency of Jamaica, and the National Housing Trust are at the forefront of the government’s housing thrust,” she pointed out.

The Prime Minister congratulated the new homeowners, noting that they have now achieved one of the most significant milestones in their lives.

In his remarks, Minister with responsibility for Housing, Hon. Dr. Morais Guy, said his Ministry remains steadfast to the task of providing housing solutions and security of tenure for every Jamaican citizen.

“The vision of empowering Jamaicans through homeownership ranks very high on the national growth agenda and has indisputably formed an integral part of the core priorities set out by this administration,” he stated.

For his part, Member of Parliament for South St. Catherine, Fitz Jackson, welcomed the new residents to the Municipality of Portmore, pointing out that the Hellshire community is one of the most desired areas in St. Catherine.

“I want to invite you to become part of our cadre of model community builders here in Sandhill Vista,” he stated.

Acting Managing Director of the NHT, Donald Moore, informed that the trust continues to provide concessions in order to make homeownership a possibility for those contributors, who face financial constraints.

He said in the coming financial year, another 6,000 contributors will receive loans directly from the trust to buy land or houses, or to repair their homes.

This, he said, is in addition to those contributors, who will gain access to their NHT loans through its private sector partners.

Beneficiary, Vaughnette Boothe, thanked the NHT for enabling her family “to achieve the lifelong dream of owning our own home”.

She further implored her fellow homeowners to ensure that they work together to maintain their properties and wider community.



Last Updated: February 16, 2015

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