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PM Congratulates New Custos of St. Ann

By: , March 17, 2014

The Key Point:

The PM has congratulated newly installed Custos Hon. Norma Walters, for her exemplary service to the parish over many years.
PM Congratulates New Custos of St. Ann
Governor General His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, (Left) presents the Insignia of the Order of Distinction, Commander Class, to newly installed Custos of St. Ann, Hon. Norma Walters, during the official installation ceremony held at the Seville Heritage Park, St. Ann's Bay on Thursday, March 13.

The Facts

  • Prime Minister Simpson Miller further pointed out that the Custos has always given service above self and “embodies the finest traits of a Custos Rotulorum” and her installation was therefore a ‘formal recognition’.

The Full Story

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller has congratulated newly installed Custos Rotulorum for the Parish of St. Ann, Hon. Norma Walters, for her exemplary service to the parish over many years.

In a message read by the Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Noel Arscott, during the official installation ceremony held at the Seville Heritage Park in St. Ann’s Bay on Thursday, March 13, Mrs. Simpson Miller  noted that Mrs. Walters “is not only a lady of firsts, she carries out all her undertakings with first class service and efficiency.  She sets the bar very high as she leads by example.  Her installation today as Custos of this historic parish is a culmination of a lifetime of exemplary and extraordinary service”.

Prime Minister Simpson Miller further pointed out that the Custos has always given service above self and “embodies the finest traits of a Custos Rotulorum” and her installation was therefore a ‘formal recognition’.

“I am personally happy that her installation falls so close to the observance of International Women’s Day, as Custos Norma Walters is a glorious tribute to Jamaican womanhood, dignified, decent, educated and entirely committed to justice and equality for all,” Mrs. Simpson Miller said.

She said the parish will be the better off for the service of the new Custos, as, “she is Custos for all the people of St. Ann, irrespective of colour, class or creed, political or religious beliefs.  She embodies civility and goodwill… that has been her way of life”.

Last Updated: March 17, 2014

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