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ONR Team Assessing Schools and Public Buildings

September 21, 2004

The Full Story

A team from the Office of National Reconstruction (ONR) is now carrying out assessments of damage to schools and public buildings islandwide. It is expected that this assessment exercise will be concluded within the next two weeks.
Speaking with JIS News, the ONR Communications Liaison, Tracey Hamilton said that the ONR was still very much in the assistance stage of the relief and reconstruction efforts.
“We are ensuring that all the victims are made [as] comfortable as possible, until we get to reconstruction. We are handing out blankets, tarpaulins to cover homes.basic food supplies,” she noted.
Miss Hamilton is reminding the public that persons who are still in need of assistance should call the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management at 928-5111-3, or 928-5147, for such items as blankets and tarpaulins.
The Communications Liaison added that teams from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security were going through the affected parishes, in order to identify persons who needed assistance and to help execute repairs as soon as possible.

Last Updated: September 21, 2004

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