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NHF Enrolls 38,000 New Beneficiaries in 2014, Provides $3.6 Billion in Subsidies

By: , January 5, 2015

The Key Point:

The National Health Fund (NHF) enrolled approximately 38,000 new beneficiaries in 2014.
NHF Enrolls 38,000 New Beneficiaries in 2014, Provides $3.6 Billion in Subsidies

The Facts

  • This included just over 27,500 persons for the NHF Card and nearly 10,500 persons for the Jamaica Drug for the Elderly Programme, JADEP.
  • During the year, 217,000 NHF Card beneficiaries received $3.6 billion in subsidies to fill just over 3.7 million prescription items.

The Full Story

The National Health Fund (NHF) enrolled approximately 38,000 new beneficiaries in 2014. This included just over 27,500 persons for the NHF Card and nearly 10,500 persons for the Jamaica Drug for the Elderly Programme, JADEP.

During the year, 217,000 NHF Card beneficiaries received $3.6 billion in subsidies to fill just over 3.7 million prescription items.

Mr. Everton Anderson, Chief Executive Officer of the NHF says “NHF continues to reach out to Jamaicans with specified chronic illnesses to enroll them for benefits under the NHF Card and JADEP programmes and help them to reduce the cost of medication that will better control their health condition. On average persons with NHF Cards received a fifty percent (50%) subsidy on their prescription drugs. This represents significant assistance for many individuals suffering with chronic conditions.”

During the year the NHF also conducted 76 Community Health Days across the island in both rural and urban communities, offering just over 48,000 health checks including blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, haemoglobin, ECGs and vision checks. These tests provided individuals with information on their health status and persons with abnormal results all received individual counseling.

Mr. Anderson says the NHF will be placing even greater emphasis on health promotion during 2015, “While efforts to increase enrollment will continue in 2015, NHF will be expanding its health promotion activities to educate Jamaicans on healthy lifestyle and develop skills to make healthy choices and thereby reduce the impact of chronic diseases.  One example is a special male health programme targeting men in the over 30 age group,  who although having similar chronic disease profile as women are not enrolling at the same level or are not taking their medication as prescribed.”

Currently there are approximately 548,000 enrolled under the NHF Individual Benefits Programme for the NHF Card and JADEP. The NHF Card provides subsidies for over 1,300 prescription items and covers fifteen chronic diseases. Any Jamaican resident who suffers from any of the 15 conditions may apply for the NHF Card to assist them to purchase their medication. JADEP provides 72 prescription items for persons who are 60 years and over and who have any of the ten chronic conditions covered by the NHF. JADEP beneficiaries pay $40 for the filling of each prescription item.

Persons needing more information on the NHF programmes may visit our website – nhf.org.jm or call 1-888-643-2273


Last Updated: January 5, 2015

Jamaica Information Service