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New St. Andrew Custos Pledges to Increase Number of JPs

By: , March 20, 2015

The Key Point:

New Custos Rotulorum of St. Andrew, Hon. Donna Parchment Brown, has pledged to increase the number of Justices of the Peace (JPs) serving the parish in order to effectively meet the needs of all citizens.
New St. Andrew Custos Pledges to Increase Number of JPs
Photo: Donald Delahaye
Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (2nd right), introduces new Custos of St. Andrew, Hon. Donna Parchment Brown, after her installation yesterday (March 19), at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium at Jamaica College.

The Facts

  • The new Custos, who replaces Hon. Marigold Harding, vowed to listen to the voices of the JPs and the people of St. Andrew.
  • The Prime Minister said Mrs. Parchment Brown’s record of community and public service as well as her expertise in dispute resolution are a very special combination, which will serve her well in discharging the functions of the office.

The Full Story

New Custos Rotulorum of St. Andrew, Hon. Donna Parchment Brown, has pledged to increase the number of Justices of the Peace (JPs) serving the parish in order to effectively meet the needs of all citizens.

With over 1, 300 JPs currently serving, she said they “have an awesome opportunity to be a force for good, as we connect with all the other good in St. Andrew.”

Mrs. Parchment Brown was delivering her inaugural address, following her installation by Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, on Thursday (March 19), at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium at Jamaica College.

The new Custos, who replaces Hon. Marigold Harding, vowed to listen to the voices of the JPs and the people of St. Andrew.

“I intend to carry out the duties set out with diligence and dignity. I will use tools of affirmation, communication and cooperation rooted in respect,” she promised.

Mrs. Parchment Brown further pledged to execute her tasks in an ethical and professional manner and to approach her functions with the utmost humility and gratitude.

“I look forward to working with the Members of Parliament, councillors, civil society, the private sector and all the duty bearers and volunteers, who serve this great parish,” she said.

Meanwhile, Sir Patrick lauded Mrs. Parchment Brown, noting that her appointment is a testament of “our confidence in her ability to serve effectively in this position in the most populous parish in our country”.

“I expect that citizens of St. Andrew will benefit significantly from her collaboration with her cadre of 1, 300 JPs, civil society and the security forces,” he said.

The Governor-General also commended Mrs. Harding for the “effective service and gracious support” she rendered during her tenure.

“I want to place on record my appreciation for her outstanding work, especially for her efforts in ensuring that there are sufficient JPs to serve this vast parish,” he said.

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, in a speech read by Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Sandrea Falconer, congratulated the new Custos on her appointment.

“Custos Parchment Brown is not only eminently qualified to continue this fine tradition, but is uniquely placed to be on the right side of history by using the position to engage in meaningful change,” she said.

The Prime Minister said Mrs. Parchment Brown’s record of community and public service as well as her expertise in dispute resolution are a very special combination, which will serve her well in discharging the functions of the office.

Mrs. Parchment Brown, a lawyer by profession, was called to the Bar more than 33 years ago and has served in both the private and public sectors.

She is perhaps best known for her stellar leadership of the Dispute Resolution Foundation from 1994 to 2013, a role which earned her national recognition with the award of the Order of Distinction, Commander Class, in 2004.

Among those present at the installation ceremony were: President of the Court of Appeal, Hon. Justice Seymour Panton; Chief Justice, Hon. Zaila McCalla; Mrs. Harding and her husband, Hon. Oswald Harding; Senator Tom Tavares-Finson, representing Opposition Leader, Andrew Holness; Chief of State Protocol, Ambassador Elinor Felix; as well as members of Mrs. Parchment Brown’s family.


Last Updated: March 20, 2015

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