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New Equipment to Improve Climate Change Data Collection

By: , June 5, 2014

The Key Point:

Two automatic weather stations, which will enhance the climate data collection capacity of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica are to be acquired this year.

The Facts

  • The funds are being provided through the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5C’s).
  • The agreement will also facilitate approval of funding for a climate data base.

The Full Story

Two automatic weather stations, which will enhance the climate data collection capacity of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica are to be acquired this year, under a $27.5 million grant agreement.

The funds are being provided through the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5C’s), which coordinates the region’s response to managing and adapting to climate change.

This was disclosed by Minister of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Robert Pickersgill during his contribution to the 2014/15 Sectoral Debate in Parliament on June 3.

The agreement will also facilitate approval of funding for, and commencement of the procurement of two automatic weather stations and computer hardware to enable the establishment of a climate data base at the National Spatial Data Management Division.

“This component includes provision for the conversion of manually recorded climate data to a digital format,” the Minister informed.

Additionally, the arrangement will also see the development of a climate change vulnerability assessment, and an adaptation strategy and action plan for the fisheries sector.

“It is expected that procurement, installation, and/or completion of deliverables will be realised by the end of this financial year,” Mr. Pickersgill said.

In the meantime, the Minister informed that change agents for climate change (climate change focal points) which have been identified in all ministries and 14 agencies and departments, are to be trained in the use of the Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation Tool (CCORAL) software developed by the 5C’s.

“Arrangements are now in place for the 5C’s to conduct training for all 27 climate change focal points in the use of this software. This will be done over a one week period, beginning next week Monday (June 9). The scheduled training workshop will also include a Training of the Trainer’s workshop,” Minister Pickersgill informed.

Last Updated: June 5, 2014

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