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National Security Minister Congratulates Juveniles at Correctional Institution on CXC Success

September 23, 2009

The Full Story

Minister of National Security, Sen. the Hon. Dwight Nelson, has congratulated thirteen (13) juveniles at the Rio Cobre Juvenile Correctional Centre in St. Catherine, who have obtained passes in the 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) examinations.
The juveniles obtained between one and three passes in Principles of Business, Principles of Accounts and Social Studies.
In his letter congratulating the inmates, Minister Nelson said the Ministry is very proud of their achievements, and encouraged them to continue to do well in academics as well as vocational training, and be a good role model for their peers.
Minister Nelson said the Ministry is committed to finding the resources to facilitate the education, skills training and behaviour modification programmes to ensure that all wards can be easily reintegrated into society after leaving penal institutions.
The National Security Minister also extended congratulations to the Superintendent in charge of the facility, as well as the teachers/instructors and other members of staff who have contributed to the wards’ achievements in the CXC exams.
Minister Nelson said the Ministry acknowledges that there are challenges but asked the staff to continue to find creative ways of maximising the use of the limited resources available to them as they endeavour to transform the lives of the wards in their care.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

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