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Minister Grange Saddened by Passing of Jordan Foote

By: , March 8, 2016

The Key Point:

The Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange, who was sworn in as Minister of Culture, Gender Affairs, Entertainment and Sports, says she is greatly saddened by the recent news of the passing of promising schoolboy footballer, Jordan Foote.

The Facts

  • “If the spirit and enthusiasm he had for life and success could be replicated by the majority of our young people today, it would ensure a prosperous future for all Jamaicans,” she added.
  • “I want to remind them that while death leaves heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

The Full Story

The Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange, who was sworn in as Minister of Culture, Gender Affairs, Entertainment and Sports, says she is greatly saddened by the recent news of the passing of promising schoolboy footballer, Jordan Foote.

Foote died in the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) from cancer, which earlier cost him his left leg in December and ultimately led to his death.

Minister Grange said that his death represents the loss of a very talented young sportsman, one who was an inspiration to many young people, as his spirit never dimmed, despite the threat of cancer overwhelming his body.

“I took note of the fact that, despite the physical pain of his disease and the mental fear of dying before he could achieve his ambitions, he continued to radiate hope and enthusiasm among friends and well-wishers, which suggested that despite his setbacks, he had a purpose and a will that not even the approach of death could shake,” the Minister said.

“If the spirit and enthusiasm he had for life and success could be replicated by the majority of our young people today, it would ensure a prosperous future for all Jamaicans,” she added.

Minister Grange used the opportunity to call on young Jamaicans to remember Jordan Foote in their dreams, their hopes and their prayers and aspirations, and to always remember that instead of giving up he met the challenges of each new day with optimism.

She also paid tribute to his parents, especially his mother, as well as his coach, the teachers and staff of his alma mater, Holy Trinity High School, and his team mates, his fans and his friends for supporting him through his illness and up to the time of his death.

“I want to remind them that while death leaves heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. We certainly loved Jordan, not only for his football skills, but also for his spirit and enthusiasm which has left us with memories we will always cherish,” Minister Grange said.

Last Updated: March 8, 2016

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