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Mexico Donates TAMIFLU to Health Ministry

June 20, 2009

The Full Story

The Ministry of Health’s store of anti-viral medication for the H1N1 Virus has been bolstered with the donation of 3,000 treatment courses of Tamiflu by the Mexican Government.
Minister of Health, Hon. Rudyard Spencer, received the donation on Friday June 19, at his downtown Kingston office.
Earlier this month, the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) made a similar donation, providing the Government with 35,000 treatment courses of the drug.
Mexico’s Ambassador to Jamaica, Her Excellency Leonora Rueda, in handing over the drugs, said the aim was to ensure that Jamaica had a large store of the medicine in case the need arose. “We know you are already doing whatever is necessary to do that, but Mexico would like to be sure that you have the necessary medicine to cover whatever contingencies that you might have,” she said.
She pointed out that in the United States, each treatment course, which contains 10 tablets, costs approximately US$70.
Expressing his gratitude for the donation, Mr. Spencer said it is “very important and symbolic” that Mexico is making the donation, in light of the fact that that country has also been affected by the H1N1 Virus.
The virus was first detected in Mexico more than two months ago. However, it is now under control in the central American country with no more new cases being reported.
“These 3,000 packets will go a far way in helping us fight the H1N1 virus,” Mr. Spencer told the Mexican Ambassador.
He added that he hopes the virus will soon be under control, and that a vaccine would soon be developed.
Fifteen cases of the virus have been reported in Jamaica.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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