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Logistics Hub Essay Competition Launched

By: , November 7, 2013

The Key Point:

The Logistics Hub Essay Competition, which is part of a continued thrust to heighten awareness about the initiative.
Logistics Hub Essay Competition Launched
Photo: Contributed

The Facts

  • The competition is open to Jamaicans living in Jamaica.
  • The winning essays will be selected by a panel, including representatives of the MIIC.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce (MIIC) has introduced a Logistics Hub Essay Competition, which is part of a continued thrust to heighten awareness about the Logistics Hub initiative.

Themed: ‘Jamaica’s Global Logistics Hub – the big opportunity for Jamaica and the world’, the competition is open to Jamaicans living in Jamaica who fit in one of two entry categories: category 1 for 15 to 21 year olds or category 2 for 22 to 35 year olds. Essays should be a maximum of 2,000 words.

“The essay competition is part of an overall campaign to raise awareness and deepen the understanding of Jamaicans about Jamaica’s Global Logistics Hub, as the Ministry is aware that parts of the population still do not understand the concept,” Communications and Media Advisor at the MIIC, Joan Hutchinson, told JIS News.

She further explained that the winning essays (one per category) will be selected by a panel, including representatives of the MIIC, Logistics Hub Task Force, Ministry of Education, HEART Trust/NTA, Caribbean Maritime Institute, University of the West Indies, and media.

All entries must be double spaced, using either Arial or Times New Roman font and must include the name, phone number, address and email of the participant.

Essays should show significant understanding of the theme and evidence of research with all references cited.

Winners will be announced in the first week of January 2014, with the winning essays being published in the major newspapers and on the MIIC and Logistics Hub websites.

Prizes include an all expense paid trip to Panama, and other incentives for first place in each category; $50,000 for second place and $25,000 will be awarded to the third place recipients.

“The  trip to Panama for the category winners will include a visit to the Panama Canal and other related facilities to see logistics at work and  give greater insight into how Jamaica’s geo-strategic location will allow  the country to capitalize on the opening of the expanded Panama Canal in 2016,” Miss Hutchinson further highlighted.

Entries must be received by 2:00 p.m. on December 15, 2013 at the Communications Department at MIIC, 4 St. Lucia Avenue, Kingston 5 or via email to: logisticsessay@miic.gov.jm.

Employees of the MIIC and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter.

For further information, persons may visit the Ministry or call 754-2164/4719.

Last Updated: November 8, 2013

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