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Leadership of Country in Good Hands – G-G

By: , March 7, 2016

The Key Point:

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, says Jamaicans can rest assured that the leadership of the country “is in good hands.”
Leadership of Country in Good Hands – G-G
Photo: GovernorGeneral, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen left),
Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (left), presents the Instrument of Appointment to Prime Minister, Most Hon. Andrew Holness, during Thursday’s (March 3) swearing in ceremony, at King’s House. Looking on is the Governor-General’s Aide-de-Camp (ADC), Captain Fenekie Rowe.

The Facts

  • “Therefore, they can collaborate to do great things for this country. This is what the country is requesting of their leaders...Jamaica is now asking that we put her first,” the Governor-General said.
  • The Governor-General also encouraged the persons who will constitute the new Administration to support Prime Minister Holness, noting that “the success of the Government is the success of Jamaica and the failure of the Government is the failure of Jamaica.”

The Full Story

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, says Jamaicans can rest assured that the leadership of the country “is in good hands.”

This assurance, he says, comes against the background of the long-standing political careers of newly installed Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, and his predecessor, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller.

The Governor-General, who was speaking at Mr. Holness’ swearing in at King’s House on Thursday, March 3,  noted that the Prime Minister is a five-time elected Member of Parliament, while the stewardship of Mrs. Simpson Miller, who now assumes the position of Leader of the Opposition, has spanned nine general elections.

“Therefore, they can collaborate to do great things for this country. This is what the country is requesting of their leaders…Jamaica is now asking that we put her first,” the Governor-General said.

Meanwhile, the Governor-General, who commended the maturity and togetherness displayed by the Jamaican electorate during the general election campaign and on the day of the polls, on February 25,  said that “we have come a long way in strengthening the voting system and engendering confidence and trust in Jamaica’s electoral process.”

“We, therefore, congratulate the individuals and organisations (contributing) to the successful execution of the process. I thank the Electoral Commission of Jamaica (ECJ) and Electoral Office of Jamaica (EOJ); the security forces; the Political Ombudsman; the Custodes who facilitated the signing of the Code of (Political) Conduct in their respective parishes; and each candidate whose commitment to, and participation in the electoral process further strengthened our democracy,” he said.

The Governor-General also encouraged the persons who will constitute the new Administration to support Prime Minister Holness, noting that “the success of the Government is the success of Jamaica and the failure of the Government is the failure of Jamaica.”

Last Updated: March 7, 2016

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