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John Rollins Success Primary Helping Children in Haiti

By: , November 5, 2016

The Key Point:

Students and teachers at the John Rollins Success Primary School in Rose Hall, St. James, are moving to assist students of the Caribbean island of Haiti, who have been hard hit by the recent passage of Hurricane Matthew.
John Rollins Success Primary Helping Children in Haiti
Photo: Marlon Tingling
Principal of the John Rollins Success Primary School in Rose Hall, St. James, Yvonne Miller Wisdom (right); Administrative Assistant, Hervilyn Forbes (centre); Teacher, Margaret Harwood; and students, stand beside the attractively decorated drum in which the school is accepting relief supplies for Haitian students. The school is collecting canned foods, items of clothing, water and toiletries, which will be sent to Haiti through Food For The Poor to assist young victims of Hurricane Matthew.

The Facts

  • Principal of the institution, Yvonne Miller-Wisdom said students have been supporting the current drive through donations of canned foods, toiletries, bottled water, and items of clothing.

The Full Story

Students and teachers at the John Rollins Success Primary School in Rose Hall, St. James, are moving to assist students in Haiti, who have been hard hit by the recent passage of Hurricane Matthew.

Principal of the institution, Yvonne Miller-Wisdom told JIS News that through the urging of students, the school has decided to accept donations of items, which will be handed over to Food For The Poor to be sent to Haiti.

Mrs. Miller-Wisdom said the collection drive follows a similar effort in 2010 after Haiti was hit by a massive earthquake.

At that time, students participated in a water drive in which hundreds of bottles of water were collected and, through Food For The Poor, sent to Haiti to be delivered to students.

Mrs. Miller-Wisdom said students have been supporting the current drive through donations of canned foods, toiletries, bottled water, and items of clothing.

“We just want to say thanks to you students for your participation… not just to think about yourself, not just to think about Jamaica… and as a Caribbean we are reaching out to Haitian students.

“As Principal, I am proud that John Rollins Success Primary School has taken on the initiative to reach out to those Haitian students,” Mrs. Miller-Wisdom said.

Last Updated: November 7, 2016

Jamaica Information Service