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JIS Only Entity to Issue GOJ Procurement Notices

By: , December 17, 2013

The Key Point:

The JIS is the only entity responsible for the issuance of GoJ procurement notices, through the Public Procurement Page.
JIS Only Entity to Issue GOJ Procurement Notices

The Facts

  • No procuring entity is to advertise procurement opportunities outside of this facility.
  • The JIS has agreed to accept payment on a weekly or monthly basis as per Purchase Order from each procuring entity.

The Full Story

Financial Secretary, Mr. Devon Rowe, is advising that the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) is the only entity responsible for the issuance of Government of Jamaica (GoJ) procurement notices, through the Public Procurement Page.

In a circular issued on December 9, 2013, Mr. Rowe said no procuring entity is to advertise procurement opportunities outside of this facility.

“It has been brought to the attention of this Ministry (Finance), that procuring entities are disregarding the instituted mechanism for the publication of procurement opportunities by way of the GoJ Public Procurement Page and placing advertisements in the print media, bypassing the JIS. This practice must cease immediately,” he emphasized.

Mr. Rowe pointed out that the Public Procurement Page, which is published on Saturdays in the Gleaner and Tuesdays in the Observer, is intended to reduce the GoJ’s cost of advertising and bring about awareness to stakeholders of GoJ procurement opportunities.

The Financial Secretary further reminded that each procuring entity will be fully responsible for submission of advertisements and payment for placements to the JIS. The weekly placement cost for the Gleaner is $14,500; and $11,000 for the Observer. The cost for placement in both papers is $25,000.

The JIS has agreed to accept payment on a weekly or monthly basis as per Purchase Order from each procuring entity.

“Failure to adhere to the directives contained in this Circular will constitute a breach of the GoJ Public Sector Procurement Regulations, 2008,” the Financial Secretary warned.

To enable an ease of the placement process to the Public Procurement Page, all are advised to contact Media Buyer at the JIS, Veta McPherson, at email: vmcpherson@jis.gov.jm  or jisadvertising@gmail.com.

Last Updated: December 18, 2013

Jamaica Information Service