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JAS Kingston and St. Andrew Branch Society Launches Agrofest 2009

May 9, 2009

The Full Story

AGROFEST 2009, the annual agricultural show and exhibition staged by the Kingston and St. Andrew Association of Branch Societies of the Jamaica Agricultural SocietY (JAS), will be staged on the grounds of Jamaica College, Hope Road, Kingston, on Saturday, May 23.
The announcement was made today (May 9) by President of the JAS, Senator Norman Grant, at the official launch at the JAS head office, Church Street, Kingston.
May 23 would have normally been celebrated as National Labour Day, but, because it falls on a Saturday, Labour Day will be celebrated on Monday, May 25 this year under the theme, ‘Ketch the Vibes: Volunteerism, Intervention, Beautification, Empowerment for Success.’
Senator Grant said that the extended week-end would allow the farmers to stage their annual agricultural show the Saturday, then participate in Labour Day projects on the Monday, including the JAS national project, the beautification and cleaning up of the Denbigh Showgrounds, Clarendon, where its annual national agricultural show will be staged July 31-August 1.
“AGROFEST will be very exciting this year, and we are hoping to double the number of patrons from 2,000 to 4,000, because we need about $1 million to underwrite the show,” Senator Grant told JIS News.
“We should be able to do very well this year if we can double the number of patrons to 4,000, and I am urging the residents of the Corporate Area to come out and support the event, because everything we are doing will be to benefit the farmers and the nation,” he added.
He said that the proceeds will go towards the reconstruction of the pavilion at Denbigh.
AGROFEST 2009 is being held under the theme,” Grow what we eat, Eat what we grow,” and will feature over 70 agricultural and horticultural displays, a farm queen competition, mounted police exhibition, Guardsman’s canine display, farmers’ market and a small ruminant display.

Last Updated: August 27, 2013

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