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Jamaica to Receive US$200,000 from Turkey Under Co-Operation Agreement

By: , August 4, 2014

The Key Point:

Jamaica is to benefit from US$200,000 to carry out various projects under a development co-operation arrangement with the Republic of Turkey.

The Facts

  • The island is one of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states benefitting from an overall US$2 million being provided by the Turkish Government.
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Hon A.J. Nicholson, made the announcement in a statement in the Upper House on Wednesday, July 30.

The Full Story

Jamaica is to benefit from US$200,000 to carry out various projects under a development co-operation arrangement with the Republic of Turkey.

The island is one of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states benefitting from an overall US$2 million being provided by the Turkish Government.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Hon A.J. Nicholson, made the announcement in a statement in the Upper House on Wednesday, July 30.

He was reporting on his participation in the First Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the CARICOM-Turkey Consultation and Co-operation Mechanism, which took place from July 17 to 20 in Istanbul. The meeting was held as part of efforts to strengthen relations and co-operation between the region and Turkey.

Minister Nicholson said he had bilateral discussions with the Foreign Affairs Minister of Turkey, His Excellency Ahmet Davutoğlu, to explore further proposals for co-operation.

Jamaica already has existing agreements with Turkey on trade and economic co-operation, which came into effect in August 2005, as well as under the Jamaica-Turkey Joint Economic Commission (JEC).

The Minister informed that during the discussions, he emphasised the need for co-operation between both countries in tourism as well as for Turkey’s investment in the Jamaican tourism industry.

“In this regard, Turkey recognised the importance of tourism to Jamaica and offered to train Jamaican tourism managers, especially given that Turkey is a booming high-end tourism and heritage destination,” he said.

Additionally, the Minister said he indicated that Jamaica is seeking to expedite the conclusion of the Air Services Agreement with Turkey for signature, as soon as remaining aspects of the arrangement are finalised.

“This agreement will help to improve transportation links and tourism connections between Jamaica and Turkey,” he informed.

Minister Nicholson said he expressed appreciation to Turkey for its continued co-operation, especially for the provision of scholarships to Jamaican students for undergraduate, master’s and doctoral studies in Turkey in engineering, computing and civil transportation management.

“It was particularly important for me to acknowledge the assistance and co-operation from Turkey in the area of education, and the recent approval by the Turkish Government of projects relating to the installation of a solar energy system for schools and installation of an intelligent solar system,” he said.

He also thanked Turkey for its donation of a fire truck to the Jamaica Fire Brigade in 2009 and more recently, an ambulance to the health sector.

Last Updated: August 4, 2014

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