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Interesting Discussions at Caricom Says PM Golding

July 3, 2009

The Full Story

Prime Minister the Hon. Bruce Golding told journalists today (July 3) that “interesting ideas have been discussed” at an informal caucus of Caribbean heads about the role of Caricom in governance; and he hoped that a way forward would emerge.
“I am hoping a platform would be built, upon which we would finally address this enormous difficulty of governance. I hope that it will gain traction because it makes sense to me,” said Mr. Golding, who is attending the 30th regular meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of Caricom, currently underway in Georgetown, Guyana.
He said that an ongoing challenge was the process that would allow Caricom to observe the application of binding decisions taken by Heads of Government after they return to their countries.
“You need vigilance and that is the direction in which my mind is going. Caricom cannot acquire political authority without a political structure…If you want Caricom to be an authority that can override the parliament and the cabinets of its individual member states, then you must create a political union and identify those countries that are prepared to go in that direction. If you are not going in that direction then the challenge is to find a mechanism that works,” he said.
The Conference continues until July 4.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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