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Information Minister Lauds Work of Broadcasting Commission

June 1, 2012

The Full Story

Minister with responsibility for Information, Senator the Hon. Sandrea Falconer has praised the Broadcasting Commission for its exceptional work in regulating the nation's airwaves.

"I have always been impressed with the work that the Broadcasting Commission has been doing and where you have brought, certainly, the regulations for the broadcast industry in Jamaica," she said on May 31st, during a meeting with staff at the Commission’s head office in New Kingston.

The Minister said she was pleased with the Commission's diligence "and how you have gone about your work in ensuring that certain codes of ethics are maintained and that the broadcast industry is governed by certain acts of decency".

Senator Falconer said the job of the Commission is particularly important as she is of the belief that “for too long, we have allowed people to do and say anything they wish in the public space and certainly on the airwaves."

"I know the struggles that certainly the Chairman and by extension the Board, have had, in terms of, in some cases, public opinion because some persons felt that you were going in areas where you ought not to have gone, but you have my full support,” she said.

She added that the Commission also has the support of Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller “who is a lady that believes in decency and certainly decency on the airwaves and what we are telling our children and teaching our children”.

Chairman of the Commission, Professor Hopeton Dunn, said the 26 dedicated employees of the regulatory body, welcomed the Minister’s visit.

He pointed out that the staff has worked very hard over the years to achieve the goals of the Commission, “and the Board of the Commission relies very heavily on this relatively small core of staff members to achieve our goals and objectives”.

The Minister also met with members of the Commission’s Board.


By Alecia Smith-Edwards, JIS Reporter

Last Updated: July 30, 2013

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