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High Commissioner Visits Birmingham

By: , April 4, 2017

The Key Point:

High Commissioner to the United Kingdom (UK), His Excellency Seth George Ramocan, made his first official visit to Birmingham recently.
High Commissioner Visits Birmingham
Photo: Vivienne Siva
High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, His Excellency Seth George Ramocan and his wife, Dr. Lola Ramocan (seated), with church, business and community leaders at a special luncheon during his recent visit to Birmingham.

The Facts

  • High Commissioner Ramocan said he was proud of the remarkable work of the UK Jamaican community, including community stalwarts and young people.

The Full Story

High Commissioner to the United Kingdom (UK), His Excellency Seth George Ramocan, made his first official visit to Birmingham recently.

He met with the Deputy Lord Mayor, other UK officials, as well as Councillors of Jamaican descent, including the first female Afro-Caribbean Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Councillor Sybil Spence and the first black female Cabinet Member, Councillor Sharon Hamilton.

During the visit, which was facilitated by Jamaica’s Honorary Consul in Birmingham, Wade Lyn, the High Commissioner also toured a number of Jamaican-owned businesses and had lunch at a Jamaican restaurant with church, business and civic leaders.

The High Commissioner also met with representatives of the Board of the Jamaican Diaspora UK and spoke at a public meeting on the Economic Growth Council (EGC).

High Commissioner Ramocan said he was proud of the remarkable work of the UK Jamaican community, including community stalwarts and young people.

He said this is why the High Commission’s objective for the Jamaica 55 celebrations is to build public awareness of the significant achievements of the Jamaican UK community and its overall contribution to the well-being of the UK.

“Everything that we do must bring this out, so that all of us can understand that the little things overshadowing our community are things that we need to move out of the way, so that people can see clearly who we are as a people,” he added.

The High Commissioner said while there was much bilateral and multilateral work to be done in the era of Brexit, a great part of the High Commission’s work was with the Jamaican community.

In his presentation at the EGC Forum held at the Birmingham City Council House, the High Commissioner highlighted the Government’s efforts to attain economic growth and job creation by harnessing the power of the diaspora.

The High Commissioner was accompanied by his wife, Dr. Lola Ramocan; Deputy High Commissioner, Mrs. Angella Rose-Howell; and Minister-Counsellor, Miss Leonie Livingstone.

Last Updated: April 4, 2017

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