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High Commission in London Hosts Annual School Christmas Programme

By: , December 13, 2013

The Key Point:

The Jamaican High Commission in London hosted more than 50 students and teachers.
High Commission in London Hosts Annual School Christmas Programme
High Commissioner to London, Her Excellency Aloun Ndombet-Assamba (back row centre) , shares a moment with students and teachers, who recently attended the annual Jamaican Christmas programme for schools, hosted by the High Commission.

The Facts

  • A special feature of the day was traditional drumming and storytelling by master drummer, Jamaican-born Ras Happa.
  • High Commissioner, Her Excellency Aloun Ndombet-Assamba, who formally welcomed the students and their teachers.

The Full Story

The Jamaican High Commission in London hosted more than 50 students and teachers at its annual Jamaican Christmas programme for schools, held last week.

A special feature of the day was traditional drumming and storytelling by master drummer, Jamaican-born Ras Happa (Oginga Osaze) and storyteller Kandake.

Well known actress, Dona Croll, shared her favourite Anancy story about how the Sorrel drink became part of the Jamaican Christmas experience.  High Commission staff members Naltia Crossfield, Kerry Anderson-Dixon and Ann Marie Pinkney, taught the children Jamaican ring games and the quadrille dance.

High Commissioner, Her Excellency Aloun Ndombet-Assamba, who formally welcomed the students and their teachers, spoke of the importance of Christmas to Jamaicans and she also led the children in a round of local folk songs.

The students and their teachers were also treated to a traditional Jamaican Christmas lunch, which featured chicken and fried plantain. There were also tropical fruit drinks.

All the children were presented with gift bags by Victoria Mutual Building Society (VMBS), which sponsored the day’s activities. New acting Chief Overseas Representative for VMBS, Leighton Smith, spoke about his company’s commitment to supporting activities that will celebrate and promote Jamaica’s culture and heritage in the Diaspora.

Each year, the High Commission hosts a special event for school children to give them a taste of Jamaican life, culture and heritage, and to highlight outstanding Jamaicans, especially those living in the United Kingdom.

Last Updated: December 13, 2013

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