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Health Ministry Launches HIV/AIDS Prevention Website

By: , July 8, 2004

The Key Point:

The National HIV/STI Control Programme in the Ministry of Health, has launched an HIV/AIDS Prevention website, which is geared at providing young people with information about the diseases and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

The Facts

  • Behavior Change Communication Officer at the Ministry, Novia Condell, who launched the website at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, said that the Internet was another method of getting the message across to young people to practice safe sex.
  • Miss Condell said that the website, www.Aidspreventionja.com, provided basic information on HIV/AIDS and STIs; information on abstinence; instruction on how to use the male and female condoms and risk assessment quiz.

The Full Story

The National HIV/STI Control Programme in the Ministry of Health, has launched an HIV/AIDS Prevention website, which is geared at providing young people with information about the diseases and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

Behavior Change Communication Officer at the Ministry, Novia Condell, who launched the website at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, said that the Internet was another method of getting the message across to young people to practice safe sex.

“The Internet presents us with an opportunity that cannot be missed. Our young people must be informed and reminded about their choices as it relates to sexually transmitted infections,” she stated.

Miss Condell said that the website, www.Aidspreventionja.com, provided basic information on HIV/AIDS and STIs; information on abstinence; instruction on how to use the male and female condoms and risk assessment quiz.

The website also contains endorsements from popular personalities that would appeal to young people, a chat room, referrals to other information sources and a help line.

Miss Condell said, “through this website, we will be able to build a database of young people with whom we can connect. We will be able to stay in touch with these adolescents by sending them e-mail updates on information relevant to them and invite and entice them to become repeat visitors to the website”.

The Behavior Change Communication Officer said that there were also plans to enhance the interactive attractions on the website by the end of the summer to include information on homework assignments, more games, quizzes, and features that will pique their interests.

Miss Condell assured parents that the website was very safe, adding, “we are aware of the amount of incorrect and destructive information available to this vulnerable population. However, you can log on to Aidspreventionja.com for factual, reliable information for both parents and adolescents”.

The website is funded jointly by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Ministry.

Last Updated: July 9, 2019

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