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Gov’t to Build Banana and Plantain Processing Plant in St. Mary

By: , April 28, 2016

The Key Point:

The Government is to construct a banana and plantain processing plant at the All Island Banana Growers Association’s (AIBGA) premises at Trinity in St. Mary.

The Facts

  • Other targets include: the commencement of banana and plantain seedling production in a tissue culture facility (bio-factory) that has been established...
  • The project is being implemented by the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) with funding from the European Union.

The Full Story

The Government is to construct a banana and plantain processing plant at the All Island Banana Growers Association’s (AIBGA) premises at Trinity in St. Mary.

Some $143 million has been provided in the 2016/17 Estimates of Expenditure for the facility and other activities under the Jamaica Banana Accompanying Measures (JBAMS) project.

Implemented in October 2013, the project aims to combat poverty and increase revenue in the banana-dependent areas by boosting the productivity and reliance of small farmers, and improving their access to markets.

For this fiscal year, assistance will be provided to farmers in developing 381 new hectares of banana and plantain for the export sector through the procurement of small-scale equipment. In addition, the input supply system will be strengthened; and assistance will be provided to farmers in attaining Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Fair Trade certification.

Other targets include: the commencement of banana and plantain seedling production in a tissue culture facility (bio-factory) that has been established; increasing the supply of banana and plantain seedlings in the plant nurseries that were constructed last year; and implementation of banana awareness and promotion campaign.

Achievements up to December 2015 include: a 30 per cent increase in production yield; construction of two plant nurseries; provision of technical support and training to banana and plantain farmers; development and approval of a banana value-added manual; and establishment of an online database for farmers.

In addition, a programme to boost the production of banana for the export market was launch; and sales of farm inputs provided by the project to the AIBGA stores increased by over 100 per cent for the 2015 calendar year.

The number of farmers utilising the AIBGA ripening room increased from 19 in 2014 to over 35 in 2015; and an overseas firm was engaged to provide technical assistance and training of staff of the Banana Board for the establishment of the bio-factory.

The project is being implemented by the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) with funding from the European Union. It is scheduled to end in September 2017.

Last Updated: April 28, 2016

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