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Gordon Shirley to Head Port Authority

By: , June 20, 2013

The Full Story

Principal and Pro Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies (UWI), Professor Gordon Shirley, will serve as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Port Authority of Jamaica effective November 1, 2013.

In a statement to the House of Representatives on June 18, Minister of Transport, Works and Housing, Hon. Dr. Omar Davies, said Professor Shirley will replace Noel Hylton, who is to demit office on October 30.

The Pro Vice Chancellor, who will serve under a three-year secondment from UWI, will assume the position of Deputy Chairman on Monday, June 24 and on September 1, will be appointed CEO designate, before taking up the post of CEO.

“The appointment of Professor Shirley as CEO is expected to create the assurance of strong leadership and strategic direction at a time when the authority and the country are positioning to maximise the potential within the logistics hub framework,” Dr. Davies said.

He added that he expects Mr. Shirley’s contribution, over the next three years, to be a positive enhancement of the governance of the country.

Professor Shirley was recently appointed to chair the National Task Force, which will lead the charge in coordinating all the critical infrastructural and labour factors for the Logistics Hub initiative.

He also serves on a number of national and private sector boards including: the Police Services Commission (Chairman); GraceKennedy Foundation (Chairman); Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ); and the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS).

Meanwhile, Dr. Davies expressed his appreciation to the outgoing CEO, Mr. Hylton, for his service to the authority.

“I want to place on record the administration’s appreciation to Mr. Hylton, for his sterling contribution to the Port Authority, and by extension, to the country. Jamaica owes Mr. Hylton a debt of gratitude and in due course, this will be expressed in the appropriate manner,” he said.

Contact: Latonya Linton

Last Updated: July 24, 2013

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