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Getting Rid of Ozone Depleting Substances

March 31, 2010

The Full Story

The administration’s efforts to phase out ozone depleting substances will continue this year with $7 million provided in the 2010/11 Estimates of Expenditure.
The Montreal Protocol for the Phasing out of Ozone Depleting Substances project, which commenced in March, 1997, is aimed at developing measures to address illegal trade of ozone depleting substances (ODS).
In addition, it collates ODS consumption data and analyze the trend raising general public and policy decision makers’ awareness, in order to keep ozone layer protection issues a priority, and report ODS consumption data to the Multilateral Fund Ozone Secretariats.
Activities effected up to October, 2009, include: establishment of the National Unit to implement the institutional strengthening project; recruitment of a National Ozone Officer and support staff; continued implementation of ODS phasing out actions, identified in Jamaica’s Country Report; submission of ODS consumption and production data, and cases of documented illegal trade to the Ozone Secretariat; and submission of progress reports on the Country Programme implementation to the Multilateral Fund Secretariat.
Among the activities to be executed in 2010/11 are: dissemination of information on new technologies and ODS substitutes; promotion and coordination of phasing out actions identified in the Country Programme; legislative support for ozone-related issues; and submission of progress report on Country Programme implementation to the Multilateral Fund Secretariat.
The project, funded by the Government and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), has been extended to November.

Last Updated: August 19, 2013

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