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G-G Cites Education, Family, Youth and Community Development as Areas for Priority Attention

January 21, 2010

The Full Story

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, has said that for Jamaica to reach its full potential, immediate attention must be given to the now faltering areas of education, family, youth and community development.
“I can see clearly that if these concerns are not addressed immediately, they will severely compromise our ability to develop as a nation,” he said. “They demand priority attention from all leaders in all sectors of our society.”
The Governor-General was speaking at the 30th annual National Leadership Prayer Breakfast (NLPB) held yesterday morning (January 21) at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston.
Sir Patrick Allen, in his first presentation as patron of the event, stated that all Jamaicans must become the “village” for the nation’s children and in the process parent the next generation of leaders.
“I believe that if we do not unite around anything else, we must unite to save our families and our children, because broken families and broken children produce a broken nation,” he noted. “We need unity in our homes, schools, our churches and indeed our nation.”
The Governor-General further said he believed that it was not beyond the ability of Jamaicans to find common ground on which they can engage each other. He also stated that he considered the NLPB a relevant event, as it was important that each Jamaican prayed for their leaders, country and fellow citizens.
“It is no secret that prayer is a bold venture, which requires faith and it also plays an important role in the life of our country,” he stated.
He said he believed that the earnest prayers of Jamaicans have prevented the country from descending further into chaos, confusion and hardship.
His Excellency said he considers it an important aspect of his remit to remind the nation that they are “a great people, who deserve to live in a great country.”

Last Updated: August 19, 2013

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