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Expansion in Agro Parks

By: , January 22, 2015

The Key Point:

The country is expected to benefit from a ninth agro park, which is to be in production in the next three to six months.
Expansion in Agro Parks
Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (left), is being greeted by General Manager, Jamaica Stock Exchange, Marlene Street-Forrest, at the Jamaica Stock Exchange 10th regional conference on investments and the capital markets, at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, on January 20. The conference is being held under the theme: ‘Regional Transformation through Innovations and Investments’.

The Facts

  • The government is continuing its pursuit of a strong supply and linkages chain involving agriculture and sectors such as Tourism and Manufacturing.
  • The Prime Minister said that progress has already been seen from the working group, pointing out that it comprises persons from the public and private sectors.

The Full Story

The country is expected to benefit from a ninth agro park, which is to be in production in the next three to six months.

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller made the announcement on January 21, as she addressed the opening of the 10th Jamaica Stock Exchange Conference on Investments and the Capital Markets, at the Jamaica Pegasus.

“Over 5,000 people are benefiting from direct employment and 2,711 hectares of under-utilized land have been brought into agricultural production,” she said.

As the second largest employer of labour on the island, Mrs. Simpson Miller said the government is continuing its pursuit of a strong supply and linkages chain involving agriculture and sectors such as Tourism and Manufacturing.

“Through a Linkages Technical Working Group, we are identifying more creative ways to effectively connect buyers and sellers, while addressing the issues affecting the trade as they arise,” she said.

The Prime Minister said that progress has already been seen from the working group, pointing out that it comprises persons from the public and private sectors.

The nine agro parks are projected to realize foreign exchange savings of some $4 billion, and provide employment for about 5,000 persons, when fully implemented.

Scheduled for completion in 2015, the project aims to modernize Jamaica’s agricultural sector, and contribute to reducing the island’s almost US$1 billion food import bill, while increasing exports and creating jobs.

The initiative is a partnership involving the Government, farmers/investors, and the private sector.

The10th regional conference on investments and the capital markets is being held under the theme: ‘Regional Transformation through Innovations and Investments’.

Last Updated: January 22, 2015

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