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Craft Industry to be Improved

By: , February 25, 2015

The Key Point:

The Government has allocated $12.8 million in the 2015/16 Estimates of Expenditure for the Craft Enhancement and Business Planning Training Project.

The Facts

  • The Estimates were tabled in the House of Representatives on February 19 by Minister of Finance and Planning, Dr. the Hon. Peter Phillips.
  • The main objective of the project is to improve and strengthen the capacity and business acumen of craft producers.

The Full Story

The Government has allocated $12.8 million in the 2015/16 Estimates of Expenditure for the Craft Enhancement and Business Planning Training Project.

The Estimates were tabled in the House of Representatives on February 19 by Minister of Finance and Planning, Dr. the Hon. Peter Phillips.

The main objective of the project is to improve and strengthen the capacity and business acumen of craft producers through increased quantity and diversity of their product offerings to meet and exceed the expectations of visitors/tourists.

Anticipated targets for the 2015/16 fiscal year include the training and certifying of artisans in the use of indigenous materials. This will be achieved by: completing training in the use of fibre material; begin training in the use of recycled materials, papier mache, bamboo and textiles; and conducting four small business management workshops.

Another target is the creation of a virtual resource centre for artisans to market products. In this regard, one major exhibition of the new products created will be hosted; and a website to promote business opportunities will be created.

The programme is being implemented by the Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo), with funding from the Government and the Organization of American States.

Last Updated: February 25, 2015

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