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Contribution to the 2014/2015 Sectoral Debate by the Hon. Natalie Neita Headley

By: , June 24, 2014

The Key Point:

I thank the Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller for her continued belief in me and for her unflinching support and mentoring over the years.
Contribution to the 2014/2015 Sectoral Debate by the Hon. Natalie Neita Headley
Minister with Responsibility for Sport, the Hon. Natalie Neita Headley. (FILE)

The Facts

  • Thank you, my parliamentary colleagues. each of you has contributed to my growth in some way.
  • I extend a special thanks to my constituency staff whose commitment to the cause has remained steadfast, regardless of the challenges.

The Full Story

Mr. Speaker, governments exist for a purpose of good and form part of the divine order. it was God himself who established this divine institution of governance for the maintenance of order and for improving the quality of life.

Allow me to quote from the Scripture, Romans 13, which reads “for there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God.”

Mr. Speaker, this is indeed a humbling reminder of the importance of our role as public servants and I am profoundly grateful to God for the opportunity to serve. It is He who has empowered, enabled and led me these past 17 years as an elected representative of his people.

Mr. Speaker, I thank the Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller for her continued belief in me and for her unflinching support and mentoring over the years. I thank you, Prime Minister, for your continued confidence in my capacity to undertake the responsibilities in a portfolio so close your heart. Your selfless leadership is inspiring and is an example of true commitment to the public interest.

Thank you, my parliamentary colleagues. each of you has contributed to my growth in some way. Accept my appreciation for being so generous to me with your time, input, wisdom and encouragement as I tackle the tasks entrusted to me.

I thank my colleagues, in and out of politics, on both sides of the aisle for their support and guidance. I am strengthened by your solidarity and inspired by the consensus which we have and can achieve for the good of the nation.

Mr. Speaker, I extend a special thanks to my constituency staff whose commitment to the cause has remained steadfast, regardless of the challenges. You fight for what you believe in and I am the beneficiary of your efforts. You have my back and often face the ire of constituents when I am not there on the ground. You have a vision for your family and for Jamaica and you have opted to participate actively in the process; that is responsible citizenship…READ MORE

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Last Updated: June 24, 2014

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