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Commission to Review National Minimum Wage

By: , July 3, 2015

The Key Point:

The Minimum Wage Advisory Commission is in the process of reviewing the National Minimum Wage and the Minimum Wage for Industrial Security Guards.
Commission to Review National Minimum Wage
Photo: Melroy Sterling
Chairman of the Minimum Wage Commission, Mr. Silvera Castro (left), in discussion with Commission member, Mrs. Bernita Locke (centre) and CEO of Manpower Services Limited, Audrey Hinchcliffe.

The Facts

  • Members of the public and interested organizations are invited to submit, in writing, any comments, suggestions or proposals they may wish to make for the consideration of the Commission.
  • Memoranda should include proposals in respect of interest groups not represented by Trade Unions, such as Household Workers and other interested non-unionised groups.

The Full Story

The Minimum Wage Advisory Commission is in the process of reviewing the National Minimum Wage and the Minimum Wage for Industrial Security Guards.

Members of the public and interested organizations are invited to submit, in writing, any comments, suggestions or proposals they may wish to make for the consideration of the Commission.

Memoranda should include proposals in respect of interest groups not represented by Trade Unions, such as Household Workers and other interested non-unionised groups.

Persons submitting recommendations may be asked to appear before the Commission in support of their written recommendations. Recommendations should be forwarded to the Commission no later than Friday, July 31, 2015.

Chairman of the Commission, Silvera Castro, in an interview with JIS News, said that consultations will begin in August and are expected to be completed in November.

“We will be having consultations with persons who the Ministry of Labour will be inviting to these centres [where we] will have discussions and deliberations with them, to find out their views and thoughts on the minimum wage,” he said.

“When we would have done that, then we are going to have a sit in at the Ministry where we will invite the unions and other stakeholders to have discussions with us. After that, the Commission will deliberate and make its assessment…looking at the economic situation that exists now,” he said.

While welcoming the public discourse, Mr. Castro cautioned against any unrealistic expectations about an increase of the minimum wage.

“We want the public to tell us what their ideas are on the minimum wage. We will look at the pros and the cons and to advise that we cannot go with the 50 and 60 per cent that they are looking for, but we have to balance it and ensure that at the end of the day, everybody is a winner,” he said.

The Commission, which is appointed by the Government, advises the Minister of Labour and Social Security on matters relating to national minimum wages and other minimum wages under the Minimum Wage Act.

It  also makes recommendations to the Minister from time to time regarding the category of workers in relation to which a minimum wage should be fixed, the level at which the wage should be fixed and related matters.

The minimum wage was last adjusted in January 2014 from $ 5,000.00 to $5,600.00 per 40-hour work week and from $7,320.40 to $8,198.80 per 40-hour work week for industrial security guards.

Last Updated: July 3, 2015

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