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Civil Servants to be Trained in Project Administration

By: , June 4, 2016

The Key Point:

More than 150 civil servants are to be trained in project administration under the Government’s enhanced Public Investment Management System (PIMS).
Civil Servants to be Trained in Project Administration
Photo: Michael Sloley
Finance and Public Service Minister, Hon. Audley Shaw, emphasises a point while addressing the Public Investment Management System (PIMS) launch and sensitization forum at the Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston, on June 2. Listening keenly is Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) Deputy Director General, Richard Lumsden, who chaired the function. ( File Photo)

The Facts

  • The agreement was signed during a PIMS launching ceremony and sensitization forum at the Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston on June 2.
  • The PIMS is housed at the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), and falls under the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service. The facility is managed by the PIMS Secretariat (PIMSEC).

The Full Story

More than 150 civil servants are to be trained in project administration under the Government’s enhanced Public Investment Management System (PIMS).

The exercise forms part of the administration’s undertaking to further enhance the Ministries, Departments and Agencies’ ability to better manage government projects under the PIMS, thereby increasing their contribution to Jamaica’s economic growth.

The training is slated to be conducted over the next 12 months and will be facilitated under a $14.5 million agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, which has responsibility for the PIMS, and training consultancy firm, Development Partners and Management (DPM) International.

The agreement was signed during a PIMS launching ceremony and sensitization forum at the Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston on June 2.

Addressing the launch, Finance and Public Service Minister, Hon. Audley Shaw, said the event  is  of great significance when viewed within the context of the Government’s policy priorities, “and the contribution that will be required from an efficient and effective process of managing public investments.”

In this regard, he said the PIMS will provide the framework for the preparation, approval and management of public investments, thereby ensuring that projects which are properly designed and aligned with the administration’s development objectives, are approved and prioritized for implementation.

The Minister said it is also anticipated that at least 80 per cent of the trainees will be certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI), a global accreditation entity, with headquarters in the United States.

Mr. Shaw thanked the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) for providing a $326.1 million (US$2.6 million) grant from which the training programme will be funded.

He also expressed gratitude to the World Bank for providing technical support and guidance “in ensuring that the PIMS is in accordance with international best practice.”

Noting that Jamaica is at a pivotal juncture in its development, Mr. Shaw said “we must grasp the opportunities that have been provided to us to mitigate and address many of the issues that have prevented sustained economic growth.”

He also reiterated that the Government remained committed to providing the enabling environment that will generate growth and prosperity, adding that “we need the support and the partnership of every public sector worker, every citizen of Jamaica and our international development partners to accomplish these goals.”

For his part, Financial Secretary in the Ministry, Devon Rowe, pointed out that the PIMS will create a “modern and innovative process” that also enhances and supports private sector growth and development “through improved efficiencies in the public sector.”

Other speakers included: Team Leader for DFID’s Caribbean office, which is based in Jamaica, David Osborne; and the World Bank’s Financial Management Specialist in the Caribbean, Kerry Crawford.

The PIMS is housed at the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), and falls under the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service. The facility is managed by the PIMS Secretariat (PIMSEC).

Last Updated: June 7, 2016

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