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Ambassador Commends NAJASO

By: , October 15, 2013

The Key Point:

His Excellency Stephen Vasciannie, has lauded the National Association of Jamaican and Supportive Organizations (NAJASO) for its 36 years of service to Jamaicans at home and in the Diaspora.
Ambassador Commends NAJASO
Photo: Derrick Scott
Ambassador the United States, His Excellency Stephen Vasciannie, administers the Oath of Office for the new Board of the National Association of Jamaicans and Supportive Organizations (NAJASO). They are (left to right): President, Rick Nugent; Executive Secretary, Janice Wisdom; Treasurer, Lorraine Leonie Carter; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Richard Constable; Recording Secretary, Carol Williams, and Parliamentarian Errol Mitchell. The installation was held at the Baltimore Hilton Hotel on October 12.

The Facts

  • “Today, Jamaica stands in need of your assistance as well as the assistance of other organizations in the Diaspora,”
  • The organization has assisted Jamaica in several areas, including medical missions, provision of scholarships, promotion of trade and business opportunities, and humanitarian grants.

The Full Story

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Stephen Vasciannie, has lauded the National Association of Jamaican and Supportive Organizations (NAJASO) for its 36 years of service to Jamaicans at home and in the Diaspora.

Ambassador Vasciannie, who was addressing the installation ceremony of the new NAJASO Executive Committee at the Baltimore Hilton Hotel on October 12, noted that the organization has assisted Jamaica in several areas, including medical missions, provision of scholarships, promotion of trade and business opportunities, and humanitarian grants.

The Ambassador also commended NAJASO for its efforts in projecting the image of Jamaica overseas and in co-ordinating and supporting the work of various Jamaican organizations in the USA.

“Today, Jamaica stands in need of your assistance as well as the assistance of other organizations in the Diaspora,” the Ambassador said.

He said that assistance through Diaspora groups, such as NAJASO, was of special significance, particularly in the area of social projects.

The incoming NAJASO Executive Committee members for the 2013/14 term  are:  President, Rick Nugent; Vice President, Marlene Flynn-Carty; Executive Secretary, Janice Wisdom; Recording Secretary, Carol Williams; Treasurer, Lorraine Carter; Financial Secretary, Patrick Williams; Parliamentarian, Errol Mitchell, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr, Richard Constable.

Last Updated: October 18, 2013

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