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66 Persons Leave Today for Jobs in the United States and Canada

March 11, 2009

The Full Story

A total of 66 Jamaicans will depart the island later today for jobs in North America under the Government’s Overseas Employment Programme.
The amount comprises 50 farm workers, who will be working in the United States of America, and 16 persons, who will take on jobs at McDonald’s franchises in Canada.
Minister of Labour and Social Security, Pearnel Charles, who spoke to departing workers at the Ministry’s East Street office this morning (March 11) challenged them to make use of the opportunities given to them.

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Pearnel Charles, addresses the 66 workers, who will be leaving the island for jobs in the United States and Canada, at the Ministry’s East Street office this morning (March 11).

“I want to say to everybody, these are not normal times all over the world. We are having problems with employment and people are losing their jobs by redundancies and other types of separation all over the world. We still have the opportunity to be recruiting Jamaicans and sending them to countries where people are losing their jobs. The value of your job should then be more appreciated,” he stated.
Mr. Charles said that the Government was working hard to continue the agricultural programme with America and Canada, and to find jobs in other parts of the world, for unemployed Jamaicans.

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Pearnel Charles addresses the 66 workers, who will be leaving the island for jobs in the United States and Canada, at the Ministry’s East Street office this morning (March 11).

“We have an answer from McDonald’s in Canada, where the proposal is to send for the first part, 200 workers. You are the first batch that we are sending off.every worker going to work at McDonald’s represents a possible 1,000 workers that they will take from Jamaica if you do well. Not only will they send you back if you do not do well, they won’t send for anybody else. Therefore, you have a double charge to do well,” he told them.
He also added “you are going into a different climate, a different culture, and a different environment. I want you to represent your country and your people well.”
Andrew Scott, who is among the 16 persons going to work in Canada, said he was very happy and grateful for the opportunity to be working overseas and was “going to make the best of it.”

Last Updated: August 28, 2013

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