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400 Construction Workers to be Employed in Canada

September 27, 2007

The Full Story

A total of 400 construction workers are to be employed in Canada through the Ministry of Labour and Social Security’s Overseas Employment Programme.
Interviews for prospective candidates will be held on September 30 and October 2 at the Ministry, 110-114 East Street, Kingston.
Speaking with JIS News, Director of Manpower at the Ministry, Donna Adams, said that the interviews are designed to prepare the candidates for a job recruitment fair with employers from British Columbia, which will be held on October 19 and 20.
“The need for workers within British Columbia is extremely great and there is a need for workers in the different categories,” Ms. Adams explained, noting that, “we are now sourcing persons within the construction industry but specific persons that are welders, crane operators and persons, who have worked in fabrication shops.” She informed that 11 workers, which were recently dispatched to the region, are doing well.
Ms. Adams is urging workers within the industry to take full advantage of the opportunity. “We are appealing to Jamaicans, who have skills in the area of welding, pipe fitting.if you are a crane operator or an ironworker of any form, we are inviting you to come in with your resumes and recommendations. We want to ensure that you are a part of this programme because we know that it is a good programme that will be beneficial to you,” she said.
The initiative with British Columbia is a first for the Ministry, and came about earlier this year when employers from the country visited the island.
Ms. Adams noted that although this is an opportunity that workers must take advantage of, they must be literate and certified, with at least six years of experience within the construction industry.
“The persons, who are applying for this programme, must be literate because they have to be able to read blueprints and carry out the specific tasks,” she pointed out.
She said that workers must also have recommendations and resumes, but those without resumes must still attend the interviews, as assistance will be provided for them. “We are finding that when you ask persons to take their resume it seems almost to be a deterrent. If you are not able to get your resume done, we will provide assistance,” Ms. Adams advised.
Interested persons are being advised to contact the Ministry of Labour and Social Security at 922-9500-14.

Last Updated: September 27, 2007

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