Shop Wisely for School Uniforms

Before purchasing new uniforms, examine the condition of the current ones to determine whether the child needs new uniforms and if so, the quantity. Do not put unwarranted pressure on yourself to make unnecessary purchases. The new school year does not necessarily mean that your child or children must receive new items to return to school. If possible, you can delay some purchases until later in the year.

Before you purchase uniform material, consult a dressmaker or tailor, who will give measurements as to how much material you will need. Take the measurements with you and ask about the width of the material, for example whether it is 60 or 45 inches wide.

The width will determine how much length you need to purchase. When purchasing the material, make sure that it is not damaged. Ensure also that you purchase the same texture and shade of material in the event you return to the store for an extra piece of the material.

Whether you make ready-made purchases or hire a dressmaker or tailor, ensure that:

  1. Buttons are sewn strongly
  2. Zippers work easily
  3. There are seam and hem allowances
  4. There are no loose threads that make the clothes appear untidy

How do parents go about the business of acquiring uniforms for their children for the new school term?

Firstly, what parents need to realise before purchasing new uniforms, is that this may not always be necessary. Do not put unwarranted pressure on yourself to make unnecessary purchases. It would be good to examine the condition of the ones the child has now to see if they fit and are in a condition that they can still be worn. Based on this, parents could then decide on the quantity that will be needed.

Some schools may have an arrangement in place to supply uniforms

However if it is not compulsory to purchase from these sources, it is important to compare prices i.e. whether it would be cheaper to have it made by a dressmaker or tailor. Purchasing ready-made may be more convenient but not always economical

Identify a dressmaker or tailor who can make the uniforms to the school’s specifications and delivers on time. In which case, it would be necessary to get a pattern from the school and provide them with it as a guide.

It would be good to also consult a dressmaker or tailor, to find out about measurements as to how much material you may need. Find out the necessary width of the material in relation to the measurements given

Take this information with you and upon identifying suitable material ask about its width, for example whether it is 60 or 45 inches wide. The width will determine how much length you will need to purchase.

When purchasing the material, make sure that it is not damaged and make sure that you retain the receipt for any purchases made.

If you have to return to the store for additional quantities, it would be good to take a sample to ensure that you purchase the same texture and shade of the material.

Whether you make ready-made purchases or you take your material to the dressmaker, ensure that:

  • Buttons are sewn on strongly
  • Zips work easily
  • There is a seam allowance
  • There are no loose threads to make the clothes appear untidy

For those parents who can’t afford to buy, they can consider the following to ensure that this does not prevent them from sending their children out to school, in a clean suit of uniform everyday:

Depending on the child’s age and the state of the uniform when the child gets home, the uniform could be examined to determine whether or not it could be worn for another day. It is advisable that tops and light coloured uniforms are not worn more than once.

If the child has two or three uniforms, they could be rotated by washing the set worn on Monday on Tuesday and so on, so as to avoid having to wash and iron the day before they are needed.

For parents who can only afford one uniform initially, it would be good to make an effort to remedy this as soon as possible, as apart from posing difficulties in terms of preparing for each wear, frequent washing will lead to it quickly becoming worn out.