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Prime Minister of Japan to Make Official Visit to Jamaica

By: , September 28, 2015

The Key Point:

The Prime Minister of Japan, His Excellency Mr. Shinzo Abe will make an official visit to Jamaica as a special guest of the Government of Jamaica arriving on Wednesday, September 30.
Prime Minister of Japan to Make Official Visit to Jamaica
Prime Minister of Japan, His Excellency Mr. Shinzo Abe.

The Facts

  • While in Jamaica, Prime Minister Abe will be involved in several official activities in Kingston and St. Andrew including a floral tribute in honour of soldiers of World Wars I and II.
  • Prime Minister Abe will hold bilateral discussions with Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller.

The Full Story

The Prime Minister of Japan, His Excellency Mr. Shinzo Abe will make an official visit to Jamaica as a special guest of the Government of Jamaica arriving on Wednesday, September 30 and departing Thursday, October 1.

While in Jamaica, Prime Minister Abe will be involved in several official activities in Kingston and St. Andrew including a floral tribute in honour of soldiers of World Wars I and II, bilateral discussions with Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller, visit to a cultural site and a Dinner Reception with representatives of the Jamaican Government, business community and civil society.

Last Updated: September 28, 2015

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