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Manufacturers Urged to Have In-Plant Laboratories Accredited

By: , November 29, 2023
Manufacturers Urged to Have In-Plant Laboratories Accredited
Photo: Adrian Walker
Chief Executive Officer at the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC), Sharonmae Shirley, speaks at a Jamaica Information Service (JIS)  ‘Think Tank’,  on  November 28.

The Full Story

Manufacturers that have in-plant laboratories, are being encouraged to reach out to the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC) to get accredited and help build a safer nation and a more prosperous economy.

The call came from the agency’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Sharonmae Shirley, at a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’, on November 28.

“JANAAC has built a respected reputation for providing best in class accreditation and technical training services to [various] conformity assessment bodies (CABs), including medical, testing and calibration laboratories as well as inspection and certification bodies,” the CEO noted.

Detailing the benefits of being accredited, Ms. Shirley pointed out that the agency’s accreditation of CABs to international standards facilitates market access and enhances competitiveness of industries to foster greater exports.

JANAAC’s accreditation also increases consumer confidence in the quality and safety of goods traded in the marketplace.

To date, the agency has issued accredited certificates to 54 CABs, 16 medical laboratories, 30 testing laboratories, two calibration laboratories, five inspection bodies and one certification body.

An additional 14 CABs are in the process of becoming accredited.

The agency will celebrate its 15th anniversary on Monday, December 4, and the CEO told JIS News that “we are excited to share our accomplishments and achievements, especially because in 2014, we had only eight accredited certificates that we would have issued to our CABs”.

Ms. Shirley is encouraging regulatory bodies that conduct essential services to support trade facilitation and consumer protection, motor vehicle and electrical inspectorates, other public and private laboratories, inspection and certification bodies, to get on board and be accredited so that they can adhere to best practices.

“We need all our inspection bodies to become accredited and we will be reaching out to you soon,” she said.

Consumers, too, are being urged to utilise the services and purchase products from JANAAC-accredited entities.

“JANAAC safeguards your health, family and future because when we build trust, we do it in services that are provided to you and your family; services that you will need at every stage of your life,” the CEO added.

Persons interested in accessing information on all JANAAC-accredited entities and its training and accreditation services, may visit the agency’s website at: www.janaac.gov.jm or call 876-1968-7790/876-968-7799.

The JANAAC is the National Accreditation Body of Jamaica with a national and regional client base, that expands across 11 CARICOM states.


Last Updated: November 29, 2023