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KSAMC and Police Making Arrangements for Christmas Shopping Downtown

By: , December 13, 2017

The Key Point:

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) will be meeting with the police and other stakeholders on Wednesday (December 13) to finalise plans for shopping in downtown Kingston over the festive season.
KSAMC and Police Making Arrangements for Christmas Shopping Downtown
Photo: Adrian Walker
Mayor of Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), Senator, Councillor Delroy Williams, addresses a meeting of the KSAMC at the entity’s Church Street offices, downtown Kingston, on December 12.

The Facts

  • “We will put a team together. We will have a meeting and, of course, that team will have to be comprised of persons who are quite acquainted with the downtown issues during the season, and we will try our best to maintain order,” he said.
  • This was disclosed by Mayor of Kingston, Senator, Councillor Delroy Williams, at the KSAMC’s meeting held at its Church Street offices in downtown Kingston on Tuesday (December 12).

The Full Story

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) will be meeting with the police and other stakeholders on Wednesday (December 13) to finalise plans for shopping in downtown Kingston over the festive season.

This was disclosed by Mayor of Kingston, Senator, Councillor Delroy Williams, at the KSAMC’s meeting held at its Church Street offices in downtown Kingston on Tuesday (December 12).

“We will put a team together. We will have a meeting and, of course, that team will have to be comprised of persons who are quite acquainted with the downtown issues during the season, and we will try our best to maintain order,” he said.

He said a number of proposals are on the table that may help in “offering to the people of Kingston and St. Andrew a level of satisfaction in terms of security and safety as they shop in the town centres”.

“We will work those issues out; they are not new to us. Over the years, we have gathered the experience and we know what to do, and we will do it with the resources that we have,” Senator Williams said.

Meanwhile, Town Clerk at the KSAMC, Robert Hill, said the Municipal Corporation will be making some allowances for vendors while working with members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) to maintain order.

“The main thoroughfares are always an issue. We will be meeting with the JCF to finalise the plans into next week right through to New Year’s,” Mr. Hill said.

On the issue of entertainment, Mr. Hill is inviting party promoters who will be staging events to apply for their amusement licences.

“We are putting plans in place to express the applications once they (promoters) have everything that we need, so we can take that to the police to get their permit,” Mr. Hill said.

Last Updated: December 13, 2017