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June 19, 2007

The Full Story

In this my second year as Minister of Health I am pleased to report to this House that it wasA year of triumph over some major challenges,A year of significant improvements in the human rights of our children,A year of notable achievements in health targets for our population and A year when the modernization of the health services took a major leap forward
These were accomplished as a result of the dedication and persistence of: A staff ready to take the health services of Jamaica to first world standards A staff imbued with the desire to keep the health achievements of the past in tact,
A staff willing to demonstrate to the world that we have the know-how and I take pride in making reference to the ICC Cricket World Cup. Jamaica not only provided health services at the various venues but also provided leadership for the CARICOM Region. Here I must acknowledge the work of Dr Marion Bullock-DuCasse and the team.
On behalf of all Jamaica I thank the Permanent Secretary and all members of staff at the national level and in all the four Regional Health Authorities for their service in making 2006/2007 a remarkable year for health care in Jamaica.
In addition I commend our National, Regional and International partners who assisted in our achievements during the year and for their continued support in the future.
I especially thank the Prime Minister, Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller for her strong support for health. Her commitment to the improvement of health for all Jamaicans has made a profound impact on improvements in this sector.
I would not be here were it not for the consistent support of my constituents in Clarendon. I am grateful that they continue to demonstrate confidence in my ability to represent their interests.
To my personal staff, I appreciate your efforts and the contribution that you continue to make toward my day-to-day operations.
I thank my family for their unwavering support. I keep going day after day because I am assured of your love and understanding.
In this journey of life and in the performance of national responsibilities for health, I thank God for His mercies, His blessings and for His guidance.
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Last Updated: June 19, 2007

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